I have always been a huge fan of wine. Growing up I admired cultures that indulged in drinking wine with their meals, and would often ask my parents if I could have a small glass during our Sunday dinner. "It's good for the heart I would tell them!"
As I got older my appreciation for wine continued, and the desire to one day visit a vineyard became an item on my bucket list. Thankfully the perfect opportunity to visit a vineyard arrived when I went to Bordeaux, France- wine country.
The vineyard I visited in Bordeaux was called Chateau Du Taillan. The chateau was absolutely stunning outside. A house surrounded by greenery and trees. It was so picturesque- almost like a scene from a movie.
Once I entered the chateau, myself and the others on the tour were given a historical background of the chateau. It was so interesting to learn about the vineyard and I was surprised to find out how long it truly takes to make a bottle of wine. I also really enjoyed that we were allowed to go into the wine cellars and see the aging wine. It was fasinating seeing barrel upon barrel and realizing that they were all filled up with wine that would one day be packaged and sold. I wonder what a barrel would go for?

After the tour was finished, we had the opportunity to taste the wine produced from the vineyard. It was très bien. I ended up buying two bottles. One red and one white. I wanted to have a bit of France with me when I get back to Toronto.

I suppose for my first visit to a vineyard, I would say I had a great time. It was such a great experience learning about the process of making wine, exploring the old cellars, and ofcourse tasting the wine. Let's just say by the end of the tasting "I felt oh so classy." If you ever get a chance to go for a wine tasting or to visit a vineyard (in any country), I would highly recommend it.
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